Church News

Here are some of the latest news and announcements about things happening in our Church.

Sunday school is held each Sunday at 9:15. Go directly to your class.

The Sanctuary class is broadcast live on Facebook each Sunday at 9:15.

Church will be held at 10:00 each Sunday in the sanctuary. Notice will be provided in advance on Facebook and by calling post messages if changes occur.

Worship services will also be live on Facebook, YouTube and Mixlr.

Pastor’s Note

Joshua 24:15 NKJV

And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Every day our lives are filled with choices. We start the day by choosing a time to get up and throughout the day we make choices we choose what to wear, what to eat, what we will do and where to go. Joshua stood before the Israelites and asked them to make a choice. “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.”

May we all make a conscious effort to choose Christ and proclaim as Joshua did,
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”.

In Christ Alone,
Preacher Ronnie

March at a glance

March 2nd
Kingdom Kids Fun on the Field, immediately following worship

March 5th
Kingdom Kids 6-7:30
Fellowship on the Field 6:30-8:00
Adult Choir 6:30-7:30

March 8th
Work day at the Hightower Food and Clothing Bank
7:30 AM

March 12th
Kingdom Kids 6-7:30
Fellowship on the Field 6:30-8:00
Adult Choir 6:30-7:30

March 16th
Family Day
Conference after worship
Grass cutting bid to Edwin due

March 19th
Kingdom Kids 6-7:30
Fellowship on the Field 6:30-8:00
Adult Choir 6:30-7:30

March 25th
WMU Meeting in the Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm

March 26th
Kingdom Kids 6-7:30
Fellowship on the Field 6:30-8:00
Adult Choir 6:30-7:30

Sunday School News

The average attendance for February was 104.

Thanks to everyone that came out for our Super Sunday, we had a total of 129. Thanks to everyone that prepared a dish for us to enjoy. As the weather begins to get warmer, we see the evidence of spring, remember to bring your family to Sunday School. We need you, a class for everyone.

WMU News

Please join us in praying for the Griffeth family, they will be traveling to Honduras in a group of 40 people to provide medical and dental assistance to underserved populations and using their mission to share Jesus to the community. This trip will happen over spring break week. First and foremost they ask for prayer for travel safety and for God to move in big ways.

If you would like to contribute financially , there is a way to do that as well. Donations can be made to support the mission trip to Honduras by check or online donation. Checks can be made payable to First Baptist Woodstock with Honduras/Peacock 20556 in the memo line. Donations can also be given directly to a member of the Griffeth family or mailed to FBW.

Our next meeting is March 25th @ 6:30.

Food trays for March are Marla and Brenda.

Choir News

We love to see new faces.


Hightower Food and Clothing Bank

It’s our turn to work at the Food and Clothing Bank

The next date for us to volunteer is March 8th

This is a good project for youth.

Vacation Bible School

VBS:     JUNE 1st-5th

Join us on an ultimate Alaskan Adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. We will point our kids towards Jesus as they navigate a wild world, and we will see that Jesus is a faithful friend we can always trust. He is our TRUE NORTH!

Fellowship on the Field

Youth middle-high school meets each Wednesday night at the youth building @ 6:30. We have a meal, games, devotion, lots of fun.

We have a couple events in the works and will announce them as scheduled.

Kingdom Kids

Join us each night for food, singing, and devotion.

On March 2nd we will have Fun on the Field immediately following church. Pizza and dessert will be provided.  More information to follow.

Thank you to the church for the support and prayers for our youth of the church.


Grass Cutting
Grass cutting and lawn maintenance is almost here. If you would like to submit a bid, get it to Edwin by Sunday March 16th.

Calling Post
We are upgrading to a new system. Now we can deliver a message with calls or text. If you would like to add your cell phone, please give it to Vicki.

Ways to support North Carolina hurricane victims immediate needs

Kim Gilbert Weldy FB page
Boots on the Ground (Order directly from Costco)
Osteen Alive FB page, Osteen Baptist Church Ashville NC

Tax Time

Venmo is @Hightowerbaptist-Church

Our physical address:
3444 Hightower Rd.
Ball Ground, GA 30107

Mailing address:
PO Box 569
Ball Ground, GA 30107

Email address:

For those needing donation receipts for your tax purposes, please email those requests to me.

Thanks, Edwin Wilkie, Church Clerk

Upcoming Events

Save the Date: Church events in the new year

Church conference is typically the 3rd Sunday in each month

April 13th: Easter Egg Hunt immediately following worship

April 20th: Easter Sunday, Sunrise service & Breakfast time TBD

May18th: May Meeting, lunch at the picnic tables after worship

June 1st-5th: VBS
Theme: True North – Trusting Jesus in a Wild World

July 20-26th: Revival Week

July 27th: Baptizing

August 17th: Election of Pastor and Church Officers

August 24th: Sunday School Elections 9:30

October: Pastor Appreciation, trunk or treat, TBD

November: turkey shoot, Breakfast with Santa TBD

December: Journey to Jesus, Cantata, Children’s Program TBD

Prayer Requests

Valerie Cheshire
Larry Cowart
Donna Dobson (Kenny Rucker’s sister)
Frankie Edge
Laurie Floyd (Blayn’s mother)
Ellen Golden (Mother of Wendy Gilleland)
Kelly Hollaway
Mike Huskisson
Cindy McCormick
Stanley Pinyan
Phyllis Harbin Pool
Bill Pruitt
Gene Pruitt
James and Lucille Rich
Barbara Wheeler
Carol Wheeler
Peggy Wheeler
Coriene Wilkie
Herman Wilkie

** Please help us keep the prayer list current by adding or omitting as needed. Thank you for your help. **

Church Directory Updates

Carol Carnes
833 Spruce Avenue
Canton, GA 30114

Stanley & Rhonda Cochran
1000 Hube Turner Rd.
Canton, GA 30115

Gene and Jo Gilleland
704 Owens Circle
Canton, GA 30115

Scott Huskins

Mark & Debbie Jones
1038 Gaddis Rd
Canton, GA 30115

Lloyd Lusk
195 Trenton Lane
Canton, GA 30115

Ronny & Rilla Price
8350 Ball Ground Rd
Cumming, GA 30028
Rilla 770-656-1333
Ronny 404-772-1382

James & Lucille Rich
50 Cagle Mill Rd.  Unit 4
Jasper, GA 30143

Karen Parrott
3100 Taylor St.
Canton, GA 30114
Karen: 678-910-7208

Virginia Wyatt
540 Gold Rush Ct.
Ball Ground, GA 30107

Trey & Haley Howell
243 Trenton Lane
Canton, GA 30115

Church Officers

Pastor: Ronnie McCormick
Church Clerk: Edwin Wilkie, Asst. Coy Cochran
Song Leader: Ronnie Price, Asst. Steve Pressley
Pianist: Regina Groover, Asst. all others that play
Organ: Tabitha Wilkie, Asst. Wanda Harbor
Church Announcements: Chad Cochran, Asst. Trey Howell
Sound System: Brian Wallace, Asst. Tony Porter, Tim Perkins, Calista Odum,
Lance Carnes, Heath Wilkie, Westin Wilkie
Church Maintenance: Phil Cochran, Edwin Wilkie, Earl Turpin
Fellowship Hall Maintenance: Randy Wilkie, Lance Carnes
Cemetery Committee: Heath Wilkie, Randy Wilkie, Coy Cochran

Sunday School Teachers and Officers

Sunday School Teachers: 

Nursery Birth-2 years: Shanna Wilbanks, Director, Marla Cochran, Kayla Floyd,
Judy Cochran & Mary Grace Wilkie

Pre-K 3,4,5 Years: Haley Howell, Director, Mary Wilkie, Haley Bramlett,
Theresa Huskins

Kindergarten-2nd Grade: Emily Reinhart, Director

3rd-5th Grade: Jamie Bobo, Director, Reese Reinhart, Kelly Wilkie, Rebecca Price

Middle School: Adam Barton, Director, Trey Howell

High School: Drew & Stephanie Harbin, Director, Chad Cochran, Kyle Wilkie,
Walker Wilkie

College/ Young Adult Class: Edwin & Tabitha Wilkie

ARK Class: Corey Bobo, Tonya Carnes, Randy Wilkie, Wyatt Wilkie,
Cindy McCormick

Middle Adult Class (Empty Nesters): Cindy McCormick, Heath Wilkie,
David Ammons, Reece Reinhart

Sanctuary Class: Clint Smith

Sunday School Officers:

Children’s Choir: Charm Cochran

Youth Choir: Megan Barton & Taylor Boles

VBS Directors: Haley Howell & Kayla Floyd

Christmas Gift Coordinator: Annsley Cochran

Sunday School Leadership Team: Phil Cochran, Clint Smith & Emily Reinhart

Christmas Baskets, Decorate Church, Easter Sunrise Breakfast: Edwin &
Tabitha’s Class, Young Adults

Hightower Deacon Board

Randy Wilkie – Chairman
David Ammons
Lance Carnes
Chad Cochran
Coy Cochran
Ron Cooper
Thomas Heard
Billy Hill
Tim Perkins
Ronny Price
Gene Wheeler
Edwin Wilkie
Heath Wilkie
Lanny Wilkie
Wyatt Wilkie